Immigration policies and how they affect border towns

Immigration is a heavy and controversial topic. However, when I got the chance to travel to Agua Prieta, Sonora, Mexico, I got the chance to fully understand some of the policies.  By learning about these policies, I learned how it affected the people in the town of Agua Prieta and many other border towns. Here is what I learned. The most important thing to remember … Continue reading Immigration policies and how they affect border towns

Academic honorary Alpha Chi inducts 12 new members

The Hastings College chapter of Alpha Chi, the all-discipline collegiate academic honor society, inducted 12 students earlier this month. The purpose of Alpha Chi is to promote academic excellence and exemplary character among college and university students and to honor those who achieve such distinction. Students from all academic disciplines in the top 10 percent of their class are invited to join. This year’s Alpha … Continue reading Academic honorary Alpha Chi inducts 12 new members

Hastings College historians shine at Northern Great Plains History Conference

Hastings College senior Elizabeth Miller garnered the top undergraduate paper award at the 2024 Northern Great Plains History Conference, which was held in Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Several other HC individuals or who have ties to Hastings College also attended the conference. The conference provided an opportunity for HC historians at any career stage to share award-winning scholarship and learn from others. Miller, from Arlington, … Continue reading Hastings College historians shine at Northern Great Plains History Conference

Coffee: helping the community

Cafe Justo, meaning “Fair Coffee,” is a grower owned and operated coffee cooperative based in Salvador Urbina, Chiapas, Mexico that grows, roasts, packages, and ships coffee throughout the US. Despite the name, this is not “fair coffee.”  In fact, the funds that are made from the coffee that is sold is given back into the community of farmers that harvest the coffee. It’s one of … Continue reading Coffee: helping the community

The importance of studying abroad

Hastings College hosts students from many different countries from all over the world. These countries include: the Bahamas, Germany, Spain, Mexico, England, Turkey, Netherlands, Finland and many more with 26 in total.  A study by the The Institute of International Education (IIE) shows that studying abroad during college cultivates many qualities in students that will help them later in life. IIE performed a research study … Continue reading The importance of studying abroad